
Exterior of Digital Foundry at New Kensington facility

新肯辛顿的数字铸造厂是免费mg不朽情缘试玩新肯辛顿和威斯特摩兰经济增长联系之间的合作. 15,000-square-foot facility is a hub for smart manufacturing, state-of-the-art technology, workforce development and student learning. 

Credit: Digital Foundry at New Kensington

NEW KENSINGTON, Pa. - - - Digital Foundry at New Kensington, 这是免费mg不朽情缘试玩新肯辛顿和威斯特摩兰经济增长联系的倡议, 已被选为该地区四个获得资金的创客空间之一,以建立和加强现有的创业和制造业援助, knowledge and resources to organizations and individuals.  

The ARM Institute announced the $1.5 million award to the Digital Foundry as part of southwestern 宾西法尼亚’s “New Economy Collaborative,” which was awarded nearly $62.7 million through the U.S. 经济发展局的重建更好的区域挑战.  

免费mg不朽情缘试玩新肯辛顿分校为成为这一激动人心的倡议的一部分感到兴奋和自豪,” said Kevin Snider, chancellor of the campus. “这项新的支持使我们能够扩展和建立我们在新肯辛顿和威斯特摩兰县不断增长的创新生态系统, 并继续为我们大学在区域内外的赠地使命服务. With future readiness as a focus of the campus, we look forward to what this new program brings for our area, its organizations, community members and students of all levels.” 

该合同将允许数字铸造厂扩大其技术产品、劳动力和机器人培训, 并能够加强与角落里 Launchbox的合作关系, Penn State New Kensington’s Invent Penn State innovation hub, 一个成熟的创业学习和联合工作空间,提供编程,帮助企业家和小企业加速他们的成长和降低他们的业务风险. 在一起, 这两个设施都将成为创业和劳动力培训的区域中心, with a focus on the latest in smart digital manufacturing technologies. 

“Funds from this grant will support the purchase of additional software, 在机器人领域生产原型产品和机械和电气操作系统的设备和工具, artificial intelligence, advanced smart manufacturing and 3D printing,” explained Sherri McCleary, executive director at the Digital Foundry at New Kensington. “它还将支持完成为技术制造商和企业家提供的额外车间空间,并扩大我们的培训, 为现有和新成立的制造商和创客提供指导和技术援助计划.” 

除了通过该计划和在ARM研究所的协助下提供资金之外, 数字铸造厂还将能够向该计划中的其他区域创客空间学习并与之合作. ARM研究所是美国领先的机器人制造创新研究所. 自2017年以来, 这家总部位于匹兹堡的研究所促进了各行业之间的合作, 政府和学术界推动解决制造业迫切需求的解决方案. Through the grant, ARM研究院将为创客空间提供建议,帮助其扩大服务范围,使中小制造商和制造业企业家受益. 

“我们很高兴也很荣幸被ARM选为区域创客空间之一,” said McCleary. “这是对我们自开业以来已经开始的工作的认可,这将使我们能够加快我们在提高工人技能方面的任务,并帮助当地制造商和初创公司获得工具和技术来构建或改进他们的产品, processes and business models.” 

The Digital Foundry, which opened in June 2022, 为中小型制造商提供机器人和数字制造技术方面的技术援助和技能培训, 以及现在和未来的劳动力、K-16教育工作者和学生. With its dedicated staff, the state-of-the-art facility offers capabilities and knowledge in topics such as industrial robotics; smart sensing and edge computing; data analytics; digital automation; computational modeling and digital twins; IIoT; connected systems; and digital threads.  

About the Digital Foundry at New Kensington 

The Digital Foundry at New Kensington, located at 855 Fifth Ave. in New Kensington, 宾西法尼亚, 是15,044平方英尺的创新和制造实验室空间,旨在为制造业建立面向未来的意识和技能, K-16 education sector, 目前和未来的劳动力和社区成员在宾夕法尼亚州西南部. The lab, which is one of the country’s seven Smart Manufacturing Innovation Centers,收到了 $5.5 million in funding from the Richard King Mellon Foundation, 以及免费mg不朽情缘试玩通过经济发展匹配计划提供的100万美元匹配礼物. A collaborative effort between Penn State New KensingtonEconomic Growth Connection of Westmoreland, the foundry’s mission is to drive the growth of ideas, 通过应用数字技术学习和解决问题. Stay up-to-date with the Digital Foundry at DigitalFoundryNK.com. 

About Penn State New Kensington 

Penn State New Kensington is one of 24 Penn State campuses. Located just 17 miles from the city of Pittsburgh, the campus is nestled on 72 wooded acres in Upper Burrell, 宾西法尼亚, and is easily accessible from almost anywhere in Allegheny, 阿姆斯特朗, 巴特勒, Indiana and Westmoreland counties. 免费mg不朽情缘试玩新肯辛顿分校提供11个学士学位和4个副学士学位, 以及免费mg不朽情缘试玩通过2+2计划开设的几乎所有275多个专业的前两年. 通过在新肯辛顿市不断努力推动经济发展,校园继续履行大学的赠地使命, 振兴锈带地区,为下一次工业革命做好准备. This work includes its Invent Penn State innovation hub, 角落里, and its digital manufacturing innovation lab, the Digital Foundry at New Kensington. For more information about Penn State New Kensington, visit newkensington.事业单位.edu


Corinne Coulson

Manager of Strategic Communications and Marketing

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